Providence Gift Fair vendor fair in Goldsboro, NC

August 06, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Come shop with us at the Providence Gift Fair at Providence United Methodist Church in Goldsboro, NC on Saturday, October 20 from 10am-3pm!

Southern Wayne County residents-Grantham, MarMac, Dudley, Mount Olive, Seven Spring, Four Oaks, Newton Grove-here's your chance to do some shopping right in your own backyard while you support your friends and neighbors and their businesses as well as the church's missions. 

Providence Gift FairProvidence Gift Fair in Goldsboro, NCShop the Providence Gift Fair October 20 10am-3pm Email [email protected] for more info!

Vendor spaces are $35, which includes 1 table with 2 chairs and 1 lunch ticket for the cafe hosted by the youth group. 

Click here to get the registration form! 

Check out the Facebook event page here!

Contact event host Becca Scott Reynolds at 919-222-8566 or [email protected] with any questions. Please do not call the church! 

The PUMC Youth Group will host a cafe where shoppers can purchase lunch. All lunch purchases will benefit the youth's mission work and activities. 

Admission is FREE for shoppers. Instead, we ask that shoppers donate food or funds to the Backpack Buddies program that benefits students at Grantham area schools. Suggested items include non-perishable food items that require little/no cooking such as: Easy Mac, snack crackers, fruit snacks, granola bars, pop top cans of soup or pasta, grits, etc. Cash donations will also be gladly accepted! Please be thoughtful with your donations and do not donate out of date items or foods with little/no nutritional value.



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